As was excellently mentioned by Nemesis on her blog- Robert Stepehenson Trust has been evicted by way of impossibly high rent demands.We suspect that Doves Builders Merchants in the adjoining bit of the complex will be closing soon - either bought out or priced out.
However, thanks to a brain much younger than mine ie my son's, I will be writing to the NRM and at least one Rail and Transport historian to at least inform them of what is happening. Such an obvious thing to do really.
Meanwhile I am curious as to why builders are so incompetant. Do they have training in it or is it a genetic condition which means they
have to join the building industry?
Against all principles and desires I had to have a small sash window replaced in what was the scullery - repair was going to be almost double the cost of a new wooden sash and I am upset at having to go down this road but I have too much to do and a reducing income due to ridiculously low interest from my Building Soc.
Any way, the joiner came round and took pictures of the window and, yes, it would have the horns and sash lifters etc.
So, it came and looks decent enough till I started "looking" at it and realised that the horns are a completely different shape from the ones on the old sash and every other sash in the house. So what were the pics which he took for ??? Why put a fancier and bigger set of horns on?
The guy in charge of the job is coming to recitfy a job done wrongly* by a previous builder tonorrow, so I will point this error out to him. I have kept the old sashes so Booo if they try to say they are the same .... I am learning.
(*this first guy had, despite being told each day that I wanted a raised door step inside so I can have a door mat to save having to clean the floor everyday, gave me a door step so flush with the floor that a sheet of newspaper is too thick - and that's before I get any tiles or whatever down.)
Perhaps someone will say "sorry" and then it will be alright .........
Meanwhile I have lots of central heating in the house. Poor old place doesn't know what's happened to it!
I can't afford to run it but that's a different story. Still I wanted radiators with a little bit of style
"not bog standard Wickes things - the boxy things with grills on top that look like electric heaters." So when the 2metre long x 600cms high radiator was carried in for the passagewayI could have wept - it is a double convector radiator ie "bog standard Wickes things - the boxy things with grills on top that look like electric heaters."
Except they don't use Wickes and had to order it especially because of the length. It is (according to the Web) "suitable for the larger room" and it is in a metre wide passageway ... so even on the lowest setting is too hot to walk past or linger by. Did they not hear what I said? It was only said several times and they took the grills off because I'd said I didn't want them so they heard that bit.I won't have the money to get it replaced either.
It's all so frustrating - doubly so because I can't DIY things.
Meanwhile on saturday there was a volunteers meeting of the Ffestiniog Railway Society - the loveliest place there is. you've never been - go! If you have been - go again!